
Realism is a famine
Happiness, a breadcrumb trail
Already for the birds
And fading with each step

Realism is a burden
An onus, an albatross
You carry the weight for others
And silence, the heaviest cost

A cynic
So pessimistic
Your warnings warrant only spite

I wish there was some silver lining
Some whimsical end for dreary verse
But I’ll be realistic
I’ll be honest
It gets worse


All Right

Ignorance is bliss
Or so it goes
Truth is a tear that won’t ever close
You’re alright when you’re wrong
You feel wrong when you’re right
Left with the guilt, and met with the spite
Always feeling below
To give scale to the height
From high on a mountain
The sun might seem bright
Though it’s nary a salt grain
In the dead sea of night


Going Through

“I’ve been going through some stuff”
She lies beside me
And speaks the truth
Thin smoke trailing from her lips
Twisting as it rises
A peak and trough for every syllable

I look upon her face
Freckles of ash
And eyes red,
Though not from the smoke
“I’ve been going through some stuff too”
I say to her
And watch the serpent leave my lips
Her face tightens
A blank stare of true empathy
“It will get better”
She says

The orange ember sinks
Closer to our lips with each moment
The warmth gets closer to our cheeks
Ever closer, yet still a danger
Right before it meets us both
The flavor fades
And all that’s left is destined ash
Just shy of finding the flame
As the past fades into the night sky



We aren’t made to do anything
Just programmed to do something
There is no great motherboard
Up in the sky
All we are, are dysfunctions
Hiccups and hacks
Not afraid of frayed circuits
Burnt out filaments
Clothed in cracks
We’re programmed to spread
Yet never update
Buffering old editions
Till it was too late



Likely better off dead
Failure in ever word I speak
Every thought I have
Every crack in my spirit
Every dent in my head

I’ve failed my friends
I’ve failed myself
I’ve failed my lover
And failed her health
I’ve failed my hopes
I’ve failed my needs
I’ve failed my future
With every breath that I breathe

I had a love which buried
Every failure in recess
She thought I wasn’t hopeless
And that I was a success
But my failings found a foothold
And my failure caused distress
Seems even love can’t save me
Of my failure, I’m possessed



Bleed for the joke
Die for the joke
Don’t push it away to the back of your throat
Don’t hide with the joke
Confide with the joke
Rattle the walls of their pride with your joke
Break noses with punchlines
Break boundaries with words
The saddest of jokes are the jokes never heard


Unbridled Flame

No good deed goes unpunished
The future seemed so uncertain
So I lit a torch in preparation
But no preemption requires no redemption
And as the flames grew
I knew I’d need to cradle them
Save them from the rain
And stop them from burning my clothes
Yet my hand burns black and thin
And the way is still so long to go
So I coo to the fire
Whispers low and loving
But soft air only stokes the fire
For a moment,
The way forward is bright,
But the walls soon ignite
And I’m hopeless to stop them
Hopeless as always
With light comes shadow
And I am left defeated
In a swirling pool of flame
As dark shadows dance triumphantly
They smother me
And though it once hurt me
I still long for the light



You’re the only idea that I could ever need
The lightbulb which ignites
From the spelling of your name

I’d press to you and print a novel
Would you read it with that voice?
The voice which sent me to the clouds
Is anything but plain in the air

But what goes up, must come down
Like an apple from a tree
I’d give up Eden just for you
You split from me like Adam

And in your wake a fungal cloud
Growing all on its own
I wish that I could do the same,
Ignite the sea,
And find a glowing land for you and me

For you’re my muse
You’re all I need
We’ll grasp the very stars
You’ll see
A brilliant black eternity
Filled with your hand eternally



Moving forward
But not beyond
Each night only staining my fingers
Chipped nails and bleeding cuticles
The walls crumble
But the obstruction is never gone

Digging deeper
But never through
My arms are but bones of chalk
Wrapped tightly in violin strings
Never to sing
Yet music deafens the hopeless drone

Crying out harder
But eyes parched
Robbed of tears spattered to the hall
Turned to sweat as I live in my own sewer
Never to dry
As all work and no space drowns me

Never not calling
To the empty cells I’ve broken through
Hoping to one day find one to settle in
Never alone
For with another I can find a home



A nation of individuals
Pretending to be free
Yet we are bound in the tightest shackles
Across our eyes and brains
So all we see are enemies
Its in our nature
Its in our creed
Butcher others so you can feed
The strong will get stronger
And from the masses, secede
There is no shared interest
Save for lust, lies, and greed
We shatter like glassware
When transparency,
And empathy,
Are all we really need
